Thursday, February 19, 2015

Class 6: silver dollar

We had to create a silver dollar using vector graphics in a word document and using bitmap graphics in gimp. Below is my creation in word

I made a circular shape

then I added star shapes and text to it.

I then created an outline of lady liberty using the free draw tool.

then I used gimp to create a silver dollar. I started with painting a giant dot with the paint brush

I added paint stamps of stars and a text box for the numbers
Then I tried to outline lady liberty with the paint brush, which was quite difficult

Then I had to open the gimp project in jpg format so there were any layers to work with and change it into a Susan b Anthony coin. I started by erasing.

Then I basically started from the beginning by painting a dot of gold. I had to make new text boxes.

I had to repaint everything on the coin

I had to change the silver dollar in the word document too, It was a lot easier. I just changed the colors by right clicking the shapes and resized everything by simply clicking and dragging.

It was a lot easier to change in the word document because I could change each shapes' size and color. I had to basically start over using gimp

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