Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chris and Jeff representing BC

Our classmates Chris and Jeff represented Boston College at a gaming competition called Heroes of the Dorm. The tournament was held in California. The show was broadcasted on ESPN. They played infront of a crowd and had announcers, making the competition super entertaining. Chris and Jeff had the opportunity to win money if they won the competition! I am very proud of my classmates for representing BC so well!

you can watch the video of the competition here at

Final Project: group old boston statehouse

For this project we build the Old Boston Statehouse as a group.
first we had to destroy our old building

 then we rebuilt the foundation
then we all built the walls back up
the dimensions were 39x12

 I built the roof
 as I built the roof I fixed the sided of the building as well

 Then I helped build the top tower, choosing sandstone to look more realistic.
 then I installed the windows on the roof, there were 5 on each side

 we used sand stone slabs on the top of the windows

 here is a view of the whole thing!
 then  we carpeted the inside

Pictured above is the finished floor!

The following are screen shots of the final product:

This is apart of my Final Project Group State House. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Monday, April 27, 2015

Final Project: Local Old Boston Satehouse

I built my own version of the old Boston state house
Dimensions and Scale
39 blocks long
12 blocks wide
here I found a clearing to build

this is my foundation

I build up my foundation

I built the walls on the end higher, just as the real building has
Then I added a roof

Next I added windows to the front

This is the balcony

added the watch tower and gold bricks where there is a golden statue on the real building

Then I added the windows on the side of the building and the roof
This is the finished product

 These are some pictures I used to recreate the building
This is my final project in Minecraft where I re created the Old Boston State House. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at